March is National Reading Month

Guide your parents in        Early Literacy

Prepare your families for oh-so-many sightings next month 
of Cat-in-the-Hat hats: 

IN a library, 

AT a civic event,

WITH a goat, 

ON a boat, or

ANYWHERE there are pre-school celebrations of Reading.

Prep your parents

Ensure that your families are ready for the upcoming (and future) Reading Month events...

Drops of water on stone

Moms and dads are the gate-keepers to their child's pre-literacy activities. Our Baby + Toddler Readers support parents with information - and tactics - about reading to their 0-3s. Parent Notes and photos of real families reinforce early literacy concepts. Look inside our titles.

Place your order

Books and Poster Sets ship 1-3 days upon receipt of a completed Order Form. POs are fine. Or, TWB can prepare an invoice, net 30. 
IF you're ordering nice, round counts, our Quick Shop accepts credit-cards.


Call us with any questions:

Cheryl -- 612.990.6011

Carole -- 612.275.7331