Option to Add Local Family Photos - Fall 2024

What can we do?

Your organization may replace TWB's standard family photos on Spreads 2, 3 and 4 of our Rock-A-Bye Baby Reader and Despertar a la lectura with those of your organization's families. 

How much does that extra customization cost?

With a full-color cover customization (Initial Customization or Reprint), there is no extra charge for the replacements of Spreads 2, 3 and 4. You may submit up to 9 photographs for substitution.


IF you wish to replace TWB's Standard family photos on other spreads, please contact Cheryl for printer estimates. (It'd even be possible to replace all photos for a super-local early literacy campaign.)

Are there specific requirements for the photos?

Professional photography isn't required. Nowadays, most cell phones can produce high-quality, digital photos.

Jpeg files are anticipated to be 1.5 to 3.0 MB and can be sent to TWB via email. (Do make sure to follow your own organization's photo-release protocols.)


NB: The family photos are near-square: 2.5" wide and 2.3125" tall. Let your photographer/s know this ahead of family sittings to better compose useful shots. Some cameras/phones even allow "square-shot "selection.


When emailing us the shots, indicate each shot's intended Spread (2, 3 or 4) and berth (Top, Center, Bottom).

How do we select local families for photos?

The family photos in our Baby Readers model reading to an infant. The goal is for new parents to connect to at least one of the photos. Consider the new parents to whom you plan to distribute custom Baby Readers. Recruit families from those populations so your books represent the cultures and ethnicities of your specific area.


Keep an eye to balancing your books' counts of various populations: moms, dads, baby girls, baby boys, teen parents, grandparents, expressive families, quiet families, newborns, almost-1-years, racial/ethnic populations, disabled family members and/or babies, etc.


Also note: TWB's photos on Spreads 2-4 are weighted to younger infants AND dads! When you replace our photos, you'll lose those (nice) demographics unless you recruit infants and dads from your own area.


It's been TWB's experience that moms and dads are very willing to participate in an early literacy project to help other families. And, they're exceedingly proud to receive copies of the finished book after publication.


**We highly recommend all Baby Reader photos feature a 0-1 year-old among family, sharing books together.

How could we evoke pride of place?

  • Consider asking parents to wear clothing that connects to your area. This worked very well in a book where a university cap and a high school team T-shirt were worn by parents reading to their babies. That said, items that promote company or status branding should be avoided. (The distinction between a T-shirt that boosts for a State Park vs one for a cola brand.)
  • A client successfully photographed its families in the city's new Library. While the photos were focused on the people, the location read well and could be identified.
  • A well-known local landmark or favorite park in your area might serve as a backdrop.
  • A local celebrity with a baby (or grandbaby!) might sit for some shots as a public service - like your other parents - to promote early literacy.

Any Questions?

Contact Cheryl

e: thebabyreader@yahoo.com

t: 612-990-6011